
It is 11 km away from Süleymanpaşa. The economy of the village is based on agriculture and husbandry. There is not primary school in the village. The village has drinking water but not a sewage mains network. There is no PTT agency and a health center. The road providing transportation is asphalt and there is electricity and fixed telephone in the village. A Penitentiary Institutions campus was established on the Muratlı - Tekirdağ road near the village. They are the largest prisons in Turkey in terms of their total capacity. These are No. 1 T Type Closed Penitentiary Institution, No. 2 F Type High Security Closed Penitentiary Institution, and Open Penitentiary Institution.  The population of 2019 is 5,061 people. This population also includes those living in Prison Campus lodgings.

Suleymanpasa Municipality
Ortacami Mah. Hükümet Cad. No:14
Süleymanpaşa / TEKİRDAĞ
0 (282) 259 59 59